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Letter From The Editor

Did you know?: one in four women and one in six men will experience sexual assault before the age of eighteen.

These numbers are staggering. If you're visiting this website as a survivor yourself, please know that you are not alone! It may feel lonely, you might think that no one understands what it is you are feeling and going through, but someone, somewhere does, in fact, understand. You do not have to go through this alone - I encourage you to reach out to others and gain the support you undoubtedly deserve, whether that be through friends, relatives, counseling, support groups, or online forums. Please find someone to talk to. The very fact that you are here, that you survived, and that you are now reading this website shows how strong you already are! Congratulations!

Sexual assault affects so many people, and it can be a long and challenging road to recovery. Emergence Magazine was founded in January of 2013 in an attempt to give survivors the ability to make their voices heard in a world where it can often be stigmatizing to disclose a history of victimization. Whether you choose to write about your experiences through fiction, non-fiction, or poetry, or if you choose to share through visual art, expressing yourself is a major accomplishment and a big step towards healing.

Emergence Magazine welcomes submissions from people of all genders, races, sexual orientation, and backgrounds - sexual assault affects everyone. And whether you've shared your story/thoughts/struggles one hundred times or never before, I'd like to hear from you. 

If you are currently in need of help, please take a look at the Resources page. There you can find websites and contact information for those who are able to help you! 


(While Emergence Magazine does aim to cater to survivors, I cannot offer advice, counseling, or other services that would be best met by legal or mental health professionals.)

A dear friend has often said to me, "there is something better to be had... even for you." And I believe this to be true for all of us. There is something better out there. Healing is real. It will take time and a lot of effort, but it is possible. Don't give up. Seek help. Find support. You can do this!

I look forward to hearing your stories and sharing in both your struggles and achievements. Although not all submissions will be chosen for publication, I consider it an honor to receive and read your works, and I thank you for your willingness and your courage to put yourself out there in such a vulnerable fashion. I am also a survivor, so I know how difficult disclosing the events, thoughts, and feelings involved can be.


Thank you.

It's time to emerge from the darkness of sexual assault. Let's crush the stigma. Let's end the shame. Let's make our voices heard and extend a hand to our fellow survivors. We're in this together. I look forward to receiving your best works, and I hope that you will find some comfort here, in the words of others, by knowing that you are not alone!

Best wishes, 

Chaylee, Editor


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